
13 April 2012

Maple Seed Art (Helicopters)

Over the long weekend my mom was visiting for Easter. I have a big maple tree in my yard, and my mom said she'd like to make a butterfly out of painted maple seed spinners (Okay, so does anyone know what they're actually called? I'll just call them "helicopters."). We thought about all sorts of tiny art you could do with them, but only made a few of the ideas. Here's how they turned out.

We thought of at least a dozen more things we could make, but decided to stop where we were for the day. If nothing else, they can be used as a tiny canvas!


  1. They're called Samara seeds, my daughter is named after them :) Thanks for the art ideas!

  2. Great to know. That is a cute name! I've never really known what their name is, but always played with them as a kid (ok... I still do).
