A Look Back at the School Year- Winter

My 4th graders made gingerbread houses as props for the school holiday music program. Students worked in groups of 3-4 kids per house.  After they'd served their purpose in the music program, we drew names to see which person from each group would take home their house.

If you're wondering about the trees in the scene...
They're made from toilet paper and paper towel tubes.The trunk is paper towel tubes (2) and the "needles" used about 8 total. I attached the needles with hot glue, and then spray painted the whole thing when it was finished. I think it would have been easier to paint the toilet paper tubes with a brush, let them dry, and then cut them into fringes and attach. But... I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out until it was done, so I didn't want to waste paint!


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