My gosh. Has it really been a year? And yet I've been getting a steady stream of followers... so thanks to all of you who have been faithful and interested! Honestly, what brought me back around to my blog here is that I have been working on making a class website (through Google Sites) and I just haven't figured out how to post to it like a blog, rather than deleting previous pics and adding new ones in their place. There's no archives to scroll through, it's just whatever happens to be posted at the moment. Then I thought.... "Hey, I should make a blog instead of this website." And then my brain said, "Well you already have one. Why don't you just keep up with that one rather than making a whole new one?"
And here I am.
So! Let's get right down to it. I've made it through most of the not-super-exciting basic stuff, and we're starting to get juicy in the art room. My Visual Arts kids just finished up their first big-ish project, paper name sculptures! They turned out pretty nice.
We used hot glue to secure them to the cardboard base, then paper slit adjoining to hold the other letters on. The letters are made out of heavy watercolor-ish paper (which my supply company calls tag board, which we know isn't right-tag board is supposed to be like thin cardboard, right?).
4th graders have been working on radial balance and they really made some creative mandalas. There were a couple that especially stood out:
This kiddo, really... he has a knack for this!^^^^^
Alright, well I'll be going for now (because plan time is over), but I'll be posting soon about my new classroom management methods, which is working out well.
Bye for now!
NEW CLASS! Doodle & Let Go
2 days ago